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Rossia, Fernando

280079 The Ambassadors Fear a Plot

Mr. Rossia was born in Rosario, Argentina. He has completed four of a five-year course for a Bachelor of Arts, with a major in painting, at the School of Humanities of the University of Rosario. He has also completed courses in cinema, video and television production. He has produced and collaborated in the production of short films utilizing clay animation, cartoons, puppets, and actors. Many of these were shown in festivals and on television channels in Buenos Aires. Mr. Rossia has also worked as an illustrator for current events magazines, Internet publications, and covers for comic books. Mr. Rossia has also participated in community activities like puppeteering for the City of Rosario. He has also worked as a graphic journalist for producers of the television program "Half-Crazies" (Medios Locos), and some of his paintings were selected as scenery for the television program "The Illicit Association" (Asociacion Ilicita), both of the Argentine national television channel (ATC). His work has been exhibited in various expositions in Rosario and Buenos Aires. He has several works currently on exhibit at the University of the Latin American Education Center of Rosario and in churches in Greater Rosario, as well as in private collections. Mr. Rossia is interested in illustration for magazines and is currently painting.

Fernando Rossia Nacio en 1972, en Rosario, Argentina. Estudio Licenciatura en Artes, en la cual fue asistente de la especialidad de pintura en la Universidad de Humanidades. Realizo tambien estudios en cine, video y television. Produjo y colaboro en cortometrajes en clay-animation, dibujos animados, titeres y actores. Muchos de los cuales fueron mostrados en festivales y canales de television.. Trabajo como ilustrador en revistas de actualidad y portadas de comics. Participo en actividades sociales como titiritero en la ciudad de Rosario. Trabajo como cronista grafico en productoras de television y sus pinturas fueron seleccionadas para escenografias de programas en Buenos Aires. Realizo numerosas exposiciones en Rosario y tambien en Buenos Aires. Muchas de sus obras se encuentran en exposicion vigentes y en colecciones privadas. Actualmente se dedica exclusivamente a la ilustracion para revistas y realizacion de cuadros.


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