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Tarkay, Itzchak

229270 Bon Jour La Vie 2

The inspiration for Tarkay's works clearly lies with French Impressionism and the "Ecole de Paris", his drawing with the "Facon de Faire" of Toulouse- Lautrec. The works have a rich and sensuous pallet executed in a tapestry like effect.A centered woman image linked with environmental indoor objects and forms create an atmosphere emphasizing the versatile gesture of the woman. Thus, an intimacy is being created and the subject matter enhanced.

His landscape painting with a tree in the center have the same passionate and striking look.The drawing style that reveals a debt to Toulouse Lautrec, ridded of unwanted details, meets in synthesis with a color mode of handling of the Fauvist, Matisse. Tarkay uses a painterly application of color through silk-screen. Color is overlayed thickly with brush-like strokes creating rich transparency and depth. Sometimes, a rapid drawing style accelerates the work.

Tarkay likes to negate image and form. The dress of the woman meets with a non realistic form creating a pleasant dialectic between the Figurative and the Abstract that is everlasting. The vitality and flexibility of ambiance as exemplified in Tarkay's work places him as one of the most important neoclassic artists in Europe today.Born: 1935 Yugoslavia Training: Avni Institute of Fine Art, Tel Aviv and Bezadel Academy, Jerusalem


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